Subscriptions and Affiliations

Would you like to support the our crew? There's a few ways to do that, and we will be forever thankful!

Check out all of the options below as ways to support stream, and see what kinds of special features you can unlock!


Streamloots connects content creators with their fans. Purchasing packs will both support the stream, while at the same time providing you with cards that allow you to interact with us! We also have subscriptions available, which give you access to special free packs for supporting us!

We currently have cards enabled for Baldur's Gate 3, Sea of Thieves, and our Horror collection which includes scary sounds, and story requests!

There are a few important notes about Streamloots subscriptions below:

-Streamloots subs will not disable ads on Twitch. We have set up a timer system to minimize this so everyone can join us ad free. If you'd like to partake of our content ad free, join us on Youtube or Live.Space!

-Streamloots emotes will play across the screen, rather than in chat

- Streamloots subs get access to our "Danger Reggie" emote, which is my current profile pic!

In terms of "direct to stream support", subscriptions cost the same on Twitch as they do on Streamloots however Twitch only provides 45% to us versus an amazing 80% on Streamloots! 


Ko-fi allows creators to receive direct support from you, our fans! We frequently run a number of goals on Ko-Fi, such as funding the purchase of additional minis, or new tech to improve your experience as we play. 

At this time there are no special rewards for Ko-Fi support beyond our unending thanks. If there's anything you would like to suggest, hit up our Contact page and let us know. 


We're at the Affiliate level of partnership with Twitch and that means folks can support us with Subscriptions, Bits, and more! For just a $5 subscription you can gain access to custom emotes, and ad-free content while we stream.  

Affiliate Links

Hero Forge

Are you in the market for a 3d miniature, printed or otherwise? We are a part of the Hero Forge affiliate program. Click on the picture to the left to follow our link. We make earnings on a portion of the purchase cost when our link is used!

Player minis, as well as a large number of Non-Player Characters you see during our Caltournia campaign were created in Hero Forge.